Server-side Request Forgery (SSRF) Techniques in Web App Penetration Testing

Karthikeyan Nagaraj
3 min readSep 28, 2023



In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, Server-side Request Forgery (SSRF) has emerged as a formidable threat. Web applications, the backbone of our digital world, are constantly under siege from malicious actors seeking to exploit vulnerabilities for their gain. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of SSRF vulnerabilities and their detection and mitigation in web app penetration testing.

Understanding SSRF

Server-side Request Forgery (SSRF) is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to manipulate the server into making unauthorized requests to internal or external resources. These malicious requests are often used to bypass security controls, access sensitive data, or perform actions that compromise the application's integrity. Let's explore this in detail.

Types of SSRF Vulnerabilities

1. Basic SSRF

Basic SSRF involves exploiting a web application's ability to make HTTP requests to arbitrary destinations. Attackers can forge requests to internal services or external systems, often leading to unauthorized data access.

2. Blind SSRF

Blind SSRF occurs when an attacker can trigger SSRF but doesn't receive the response directly. Instead, they rely on other techniques, like out-of-band (OOB) requests, to confirm the attack's success. This makes detection and mitigation more challenging.

3. Advanced SSRF Techniques

Advanced SSRF techniques involve complex manipulation of input parameters and payloads. Attackers may use techniques like request smuggling or encoding to obfuscate their malicious requests, making them harder to detect.

Detecting SSRF Vulnerabilities

To effectively detect SSRF vulnerabilities during web app penetration testing, we employ a range of techniques:

1. Input Validation

Implement strict input validation to ensure that user-supplied URLs are well-formed and only allow necessary protocols (e.g., http, https). Reject requests to internal IP addresses.

2. Boundary Testing

Conduct boundary testing by providing both valid and invalid URLs to test how the application handles them. Look for inconsistencies or error messages that reveal SSRF vulnerabilities.

3. URL Whitelisting and Blacklisting

Use URL whitelisting to specify safe domains that the application can access and blacklist known malicious domains. This restricts the attacker's ability to make arbitrary requests.

Mitigating SSRF Vulnerabilities

Preventing SSRF vulnerabilities is paramount for web application security. Employ the following measures:

1. Strong Input Validation

Implement robust input validation to ensure that user-supplied URLs are legitimate and safe. Reject requests to internal IP addresses and non-essential protocols.

2. Network Segmentation

Isolate your internal services from the web application server. Limit the server's ability to access sensitive resources, reducing the attack surface.

3. URL Whitelisting

Use URL whitelisting to explicitly define which external resources the application can access. This restricts SSRF potential to trusted domains.

4. Security Patching

Keep your application and server software up-to-date to patch known SSRF vulnerabilities in libraries and frameworks.


In the complex realm of web application penetration testing, understanding and mitigating SSRF vulnerabilities is of utmost importance. These sneaky exploits can lead to significant security breaches and data compromises if left unchecked. By implementing stringent input validation, network segmentation, and URL whitelisting, you can fortify your web application's defenses against SSRF attacks.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What are the common uses of SSRF by attackers beyond data theft?

Attackers can use SSRF for various malicious activities, including reconnaissance, exploiting internal services, and performing attacks on other systems, such as remote code execution.

Q2. Can SSRF vulnerabilities affect both cloud-based and on-premises applications?

Yes, SSRF vulnerabilities can impact both cloud-based and on-premises applications. Attackers target the server's ability to make HTTP requests, regardless of where the application is hosted.

Q3. Are there automated tools available for detecting SSRF vulnerabilities during penetration testing?

Yes, several automated security testing tools can help identify SSRF vulnerabilities, such as Burp Suite and OWASP ZAP. However, manual testing is often required for comprehensive coverage.

Q4. What are the potential consequences of failing to address SSRF vulnerabilities in a web application?

Failure to address SSRF vulnerabilities can lead to unauthorized data access, exposure of internal systems, data breaches, and reputational damage.

Q5. How often should web applications be tested for SSRF vulnerabilities?

Regular security testing, including SSRF vulnerability assessments, should be conducted during the development phase and as part of ongoing security maintenance. The frequency depends on the application's complexity and the rate of code changes.



Karthikeyan Nagaraj

Security Researcher | Bug Hunter | Web Pentester | CTF Player | TryHackme Top 1% | AI Researcher | Blockchain Developer